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Top Books: Persuasion, Psychology, Comms

Harry S. Truman had it right… ‘Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers!’ What price an idea? One good idea can set ...
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How do I become a better writer?

Hello Paul, I participated in your business writing course over the past two days.  Currently, I don’t have to write frequently. I only write reports ...
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Smart ways to enjoy (and finish!) your online course

Most of what we do is run in-house, tailored training for enterprise teams of around 15-20 people per session. Not everyone has a team that ...
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Coronavirus and a new way of working

Communication skills & good hygiene just became two of the world’s most important assets Whether you’re working from home already or sensibly hitting the hand ...
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Anatomy of a ‘cold’ email warm enough to toast marshmallows

Business 101: We’re all in sales. Do you cringe at the thought? Why?  One of the main reasons is our attitude: We think selling is ...
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Grab this sacred cow by the horns

Recently I ran a board-paper writing course for senior technology people in finance.  It reminded me of a sacred cow you need to grab by ...
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